一天没什么特别除了要去senior lexis  
今天和 Amanda Glaydus Alex Ester kangqing   bhuve 等等在一组  觉得那些小孩还挺乖的
今天感觉自己有进步呢 之前还和Assumption English School的小孩聊了会儿 
在他们brainstorming的时候我还能guide他们think了  比之前呆呆的站着要好
也是因为又准备吧 之前在脑子里就把各种logic 顺了一遍 准备真的是有帮助的

如何自信的讲话 如何把自己的东西传授给别人 如何professional地表现自己
-setting up the room(markers, dusters, air con must on, stands, doors are open)
-registration process( schools, names, number of students, attendance) :skirting, table, the posters, booklets prepared
-talk to the teachers and make friends to the students before the lesson starts

-Be funny, warm and encouraging.

-Tell them the scheme of work today and make sure they are not lost

-Give instructions clearly and reinforce consistantly

-Awareness of the timing
-Mix different sex and schools together
-Write the motion down on the board
-Highlight and explain the key words
-Teach them how to build up a case or construct a substantive (cause, effect and significance)
-Brainstorming in small groups (guide them by triggering their thinking process, instead of feeding them with the points)
-let them answer your questions and give credit to it to make them feel satisfied
-Don't put them down even they are wrong, just twist it around and tell them to think another way, or correct their thinking and tell them you are not wrong
-Encourage them to speak up
-Avoid awkward silence, talk to them
-Be professional do not judge them
-Be confident, at least act like you are to better control the  room

Background knowledge 的重要性  只有这样才能evaluate

就像地理 所以GP也要这样  最好按照topic把所有相关资料集合在一起

target the CES or the logic linking them

Use E or S as the label of the argument see which one is more flawless or stronger point

Reply speech/ 3rd speaker      summarise points

more importantly organise these points into major contencious to evaluate and persuade

觉得好像学到挺多的  虽然没有play major role

Mr Lim 说道leadership need to have human connection and reach out to the people   ineffective even you are effiecient you cannot win their suport or inspire them

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